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Jim Gallacher

来源:    发布时间 : 2020-06-09    点击量:

Jim Gallacher, 英国格拉斯哥卡里多尼亚大学教授、斯特灵大学荣誉教授、高地和群岛大学(the University of the Highlands and Island)荣誉教授、苏格兰议会高级顾问、苏格兰财政预算委员成员等。他致力于高等教育、终身教育研究。近年著作27部,发表文章130余篇,主持相关研究项目23项。

Jim Gallacher, Emeritus Professor Glasgow Caledonian University United Kingdom, he was Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, a joint centre with the University of Stirling, where he is also an Honorary Professor. He has been an adviser to the Scottish Parliament, a member of the Board of the Scottish Funding Council for Higher and Further Education, and is at present a member of the Board of City of Glasgow College. Current research interests include widening access to further and higher education; the changing roles of colleges; and strengthening vocational education. He has published numerous peer reviewed articles, books and research reports, and his most recent book is New Frontiers for College Education: International Perspectives, co-edited with Fiona Reeve (Routledge 2019).